Oliva Serie V Melanio Robusto Cigars are meticulously crafted premium cigars, renowned for their unparalleled smoothness and exquisite flavors. As a sequel to Oliva's esteemed lineups, these cigars pay homage to the family member who pioneered the art of tobacco cultivation.
These exceptional cigars boast long leaf Nicaraguan tobaccos grown in Jalapa from the finest Habano seeds, embraced by a rich, dark maduro wrapper from San Andreas. The combination of this meticulously aged wrapper and the robust core creates an unparalleled, full-bodied smoking experience. With prominent notes of espresso, earth, pepper, and spices, complemented by a delightful touch of sweetness, these cigars have rightfully earned their esteemed place on the 90+ rated list.
Expertly crafted in a 5 x 52 size and elegantly packaged in wooden boxes of 10, Oliva Serie V Melanio Robusto Cigars exemplify luxury and refinement. If you seek to indulge in the pleasure of savoring these exceptional maduro cigars, simply place an order at Cuenca Cigars and relish the best online prices available.
Renowned for their meticulous fermentation process, Oliva Cigars proudly considers these cigars to be the epitome of Maduro Cigars. So why not treat yourself to the pinnacle of cigar perfection? Discover your nearest location or shop online to experience the unrivaled pleasure of savoring these individual cigars.