Indulge in the artistry of premium cigars with the Oliva Serie V Melanio Figurado—a masterpiece crafted for those who appreciate the finer things in life. Hand-rolled by seasoned artisans, these cigars pair the richness of Nicaraguan Habano long-leaf tobaccos from Jalapa with a meticulously aged San Andres Maduro wrapper. What does this create? A full-bodied blend that delights the senses with notes of espresso, earth, pepper, spices, and an alluring sweet undertone that leaves an unforgettable impression.
Haven’t found the right cigar to elevate your smoking experience? With a 90+ rating, this cigar promises a flavor-packed session every time you light up. Its unique 6 ½ x 52 Figurado shape ensures a controlled, luxurious draw, while its construction demonstrates the unmistakable quality of Oliva Cigars. Each box of 10 is packaged in an elegant wooden case, perfect for gifting or treating yourself to unparalleled luxury.
Why settle for less when you can enjoy the best? Place your order at Cuenca Cigars to enjoy unbeatable online prices and discover why seasoned smokers swear by the Oliva Serie V Melanio Figurado.
Your perfect cigar moment is just a click away—don’t keep it waiting!