Oliva Serie O Torpedo Cigars are flavorful, rich cigars made in the tradition of Cuban cigars. These cigars, like Cuban ones, are crafted using the same variety of tobaccos grown in different regions. Here, these tobaccos are Habano seed Nicaraguan tobaccos produced in Jalapa, Condega and Esteli. Precisely blended together they create a full bodied cigar with refined notes of cedar, earth and spices. The smoke is smooth and creamy. Smoke lovers and cigar critics both love them for their excellent construction and pocket friendly price tag. These Oliva Serie O Torpedo Cigars are handmade in the size of 6 1/2 x 52. They are presented in wooden cases in set of 20. To buy these classic Oliva cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.