Oliva Serie O Toro Cigars are rich, hearty smokes that are produced in Nicaragua following Cuban tradition. Habano seen tobaccos that are grown across Nicaragua including Jalapa, Condega and Esteli, are used to craft these cigars. They are wrapped in sun grown wrapper leaf. As a result, a full bodied, complex but refined cigar is produced. They exude balanced notes of cedar, earth and spices with smooth creamy touches. They have a masterful construction that has won the hearts of the critics and landed them in the top cigars list. Their affordable, everyday price has also impressed the smokers. These Oliva Serie O Toro Cigars are handmade in the size of 6 x 50. They are presented in wooden cases in set of 20. To buy these classic Oliva cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.