Oliva Serie O Robusto Tubos Cigars are heady premium cigars that are individually presented in convenient tubes. These distinct cigars are crafted in the Cuban style that uses same variety of tobaccos grown in various regions. For these cigars Habano seed tobaccos are produced in different parts of Nicaragua that includes Jalapa, Condega and Esteli. These tobaccos are used as the filler, binder and wrapper which is sun grown. They deliver a full bodied, flavorful complex smoke with smooth and creamy character. They boost of a magnificent construction and an everyday price which have endeared them to smoke enthusiasts. They have been highly rated and placed at top cigars list by the critics several times. These Oliva Serie O Robusto Tubos Cigars are handmade in the size of 5 x 50. They are presented in wooden cases in set of 10. To buy these classic Oliva cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.