Oliva Serie O Perfecto Cigars are rich, hearty cigars crafted following the Cuban tradition. These cigars are blended using Habano seed tobaccos grown in various parts of Nicaragua including Jalapa, Condega and Esteli. The wrapper leaf used on top of them is sun grown Habano Nicaraguan leaf. This concoction offers a satisfying full bodied smoke laden with finely balanced flavors. Notes of cedar, earth and spices with smooth, creamy nuances keep the palate busy as the beautifully constructed cigars burn evenly. Critical acclaim and love of the smoke enthusiasts are both on its side. They are priced reasonably too. These Oliva Serie O Perfecto Cigars are handmade in the size of 5 x 55. They are presented in wooden cases in set of 20. To buy these classic Oliva cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.