Oliva Cigars
The Oliva Cigar Co. has created the Oliva Serie O Maduro Torpedo Cigars, which are robust and smooth. They kept the same blend as the Serie O, which includes Habano seed Nicaragua tobacco grown across the country. However, they changed the wrapper to a deep brown Maduro tobacco wrapper with an oily texture. When they burn, these cigars have a full body strength and a rich, complex flavor profile, with enticing aromas and a rich taste. Despite this, they are not overpowering. These handmade cigars are expertly crafted with a size of 6 1/2 x 52.
The cigar is a large, dark tobacco almost black cigar-shaped object with a smooth wrapper with visible teeth marks. The draw is smooth and effortless, and the taste combines cedar, smoke, and pepper with floral hints toward the end. The finish is long-lasting with a hint of sweetness.
For those who want to experience the unique and delicious flavors of Oliva cigar's Serie O Maduro Torpedo cigars, look no further than Cuenca Cigars for the best selection of excellent smokes. With its smooth and robust flavor profile and medium body strength, this favorite cigar and all will surely enjoy it. Pick up a box today and experience why Oliva Cigar Company is renowned for its quality cigars!
Oliva Cigar Company makes a premium Maduro called Serie O Maduro in Nicaragua. They use the same blend of Nicaraguan Habano filler as well as a rich Nicaraguan binder as the Oliva Tobaccos and original Natural Serie O but finish the cigars with a dark Connecticut broadleaf maduro wrapper that adds a natural sweetness. This Maduro features notes of rich mocha, coffee, dark chocolate flavor, and notes of cedar, spice, and natural sweetness.Cuenca Maduro Cigars offers sets of 20 well-aged Maduro cigars in wooden cases for purchase. By placing your order, you can get the finest maduros at the best online price. Perfect for the developed smoker.