Oliva Cigars
Oliva Serie G Maduro Special G Cigars are perfectly blended rich premium cigars produced in Nicaragua. They are created by Oliva Cigar Co. using Nicaraguan Habano long fillers filled to the brim. They are securely bound by a Cuban seed Nicaraguan binder and finally enwrapped in a toothy Connecticut Broadleaf maduro wrapper. This combination delivers a medium bodied smoke laced with balanced flavors of coffee and cedar with earthy touches. They have a solid construction that helps them to burn them smoothly. The fact that they are priced affordably makes them even more irresistible. These Oliva Serie G Maduro Special G Cigars are rolled in the size of 3 3/4 x 48. They are available in wooden boxes packed in numbers of 24. To buy these Oliva maduro cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.