Oliva Cigars
Oliva Serie G Churchill Cigars are premium handcrafted cigars designed to offer classic Oliva taste it is famous for. Crafted in Nicaragua these cigars are blended using Nicaraguan Habano fillers and Cuban seed Nicaraguan binder. They are cloaked by a natural African Cameroon wrapper leaf. This concoction creates a medium bodied flavorful cigar that is smooth from beginning to end. Notes of cedar and coffee touch the palate while the cigar evenly burns with a perfect draw. Pleasant aromas coming out the cigar fill the air. A perfect smoke for everyday purpose. These Oliva Serie G Churchill Cigars are crafted in the size of 7 x 50 with a box-pressed format. They are available in packs of 25 sealed in wooden cabinets. To buy these classic Oliva cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.