NUB Cigars
Oliva Cain Nub 460 Maduro Cigars are one of its kind innovative cigars crafted in Nicaragua by Oliva Cigar Co. They are blended with a purpose to offer the smokers the sweet spot of the cigars without keeping them waiting. To accomplish these they created these big gauge cigars packed with ligero leaves from various parts of Nicaragua. These leaves are patiently aged and fermented thrice to offer a smooth smoke. The result is a full bodied flavorful cigar that impart notes of coffee, earth and spices in plenty. These Oliva Cain Nub 460 Maduro Cigars are hand rolled in the size of 4 x 60. They come in wooden cabinets packed in set of 24. To buy these wonderful mini cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.