NUB Cigars
Oliva Cain Nub 460 F Cigars are one of its kind creations by Oliva Cigar Co. These Nub cigars are born out of a unique idea to capture the sweet spot of the cigars right from the beginning. In this mission they constructed these cigars with broad ring gauges and jam-packed core of Nicaraguan ligero leaves. The outer covering is made of Nicaraguan Habano leaves. They offer a perfectly balanced flavorful smoke in full body strength. Delicious notes of spices and earth marked by creaminess touch the palate. These Oliva Cain Nub 460 F Cigars are hand rolled in the size of 4 x 60. They come in wooden cabinets packed in set of 24. To buy these wonderful mini cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.