Oliva Cigars
Oliva Cain Maduro 550 Tubo Cigars are massive cigars offered in travel friendly tube packaging. These cigars are filled with ligero leaves grown in distinct regions of Nicaragua. They are crafted by Oliva Cigar Co. to offer a robust smoke that is full in flavors and smooth on the palate. They aged these tobaccos patiently and fermented them thrice to achieve their goal. They cloaked these cigars with a dark and oily Mexican maduro wrapper. The result is a full bodied smooth and creamy cigar that denotes flavors of deep tobaccos, earth and coffee in abundance. These Oliva Cain Maduro 550 Tubo Cigars are constructed in the size of 5 3/4 x 50 which is a Robusto in format. They are packed in wooden cabinets in set of 24. To buy these flavorful ligero cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.