Oliva Cigars
Oliva Cain Habano 660 Cigars are massive cigars that produce plumes of smokes filled with rich flavors in each puff. These cigars crafted by Oliva Cigar Co. using a powerful mix of well-aged and triple fermented tobaccos to create a robust smoke. They are filled with ligero tobaccos with touches of Seco and Viso that help to burn. A Nicaraguan binder is used to bind them. All together they are enfolded in a mild Habano wrapper. This concoction delivers a beautifully balanced flavorful smoke that is full in body and smoothly creamy in character. The flavors include notes of coffee, nuts and pepper. These Oliva Cain Habano 660 Cigars are rolled in the size of 6 x 60 which is a Torpedo in format. They come in sturdy wooden boxes in set of 24. To buy these hand-rolled ligero cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.