Oliva Cigars
Oliva Cain F 654T Cigars are rich, robust premium cigars handcrafted in Nicaragua. These cigars are filled with triple fermented and aged tobaccos. Ligero leaves from Esteli, Condega and Jalapa bound by a Nicaraguan binder make the core of these cigars. They are enwrapped in a thick and dark Nicaraguan wrapper. They deliver a smooth, balanced smoke in full body strength without any overwhelming effects. The smoke bears delectable notes of spices, earth, coffee and deep tobaccos. They are loved by the smokers and critics alike. These Oliva Cain F 654T Cigars are crafted in the size of 6 x 54. They are presented in wooden boxes filled with 24 cigars. To buy these robust ligero cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.