Oliva Cain Maduro 660 Cigars are tasty rich premium cigars that are crafted in Nicaragua in Oliva Cigar factory. They pack a blend of straight ligeros comprised of tobacco leaves grown in three distinct regions of Nicaragua. They are well-aged and triple-fermented to ensure a smooth smoking cigar. A dark and glossy Mexican maduro wrapper cloaks them from outside. The outcome is a full bodied flavorful cigar that burn producing thick smoke laced with notes of earth, coffee and deep tobaccos. These Oliva Cain Maduro 660 Cigars are constructed in the size of 6 x 54. They are packed in wooden cabinets in set of 24. To buy these flavorful ligero cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.
Handmade: | Y |
Country of Origin: | Nicaraguan |
Shape: | Toro Gordo |
Size: | 6 x 60 |
Strength: | full bodied |
Wrapper: | Mexican Maduro |
Binder: | Nicaraguan |
Filler: | Nicaraguan |
Box Cigar Count: | 24 |
Is Box-Pressed: | N |
Is Long-Filler: | Y |
Is Discontinued: | N |
Tube: | N |
Is Limited: | N |
Is Flavored: | N |
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