NUB Cigars
Nub Maduro 464T Cigars are great creations of Sam Leccia in association with Oliva Cigar Co. He intended to create a cigar that reaches its sweet spot without any delay. The result is a family of cigars that delivers unique smoking experience. These cigars are densely packed with Nicaraguan filler and binder tobaccos. They are draped in a dark and oily Brazilian maduro wrapper. As claimed they deliver rich taste of coffee, dark chocolate, sweet spices and nuts right from the beginning till the end. They display a medium to full body profile with thick billowy smoke. These Nub Maduro 464T Cigars are rolled in the size of 4 x 64. They are packed in wooden boxes in sets of 12. To buy these flavor-packed small cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.