NUB Cigars
NUB Connecticut 460 Cigars are noteworthy cigars which have carved a niche in the hearts of the smoke lovers. Crafted by Sam Leccia and Oliva Cigar Co. jointly, these cigars are designed to offer a unique smoking experience. Packed to the brim with select Nicaraguan long fillers and binder these cigars start with a flavorful note without any delay. These exquisite cigars are cloaked in a stunning Connecticut wrapper. They sport big ring gauges which helps to offer the intensity and satisfaction of a large cigar. Smooth, creamy and consistent the medium bodied smoke offered is enjoyable till the nub. These NUB Connecticut 460 Cigars are rolled in the size of 4 x 60. They are packed in wooden boxes in sets of 24. To buy these flavor-packed small cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.