NUB Cigars
NUB Cameroon 464T Cigars are experimental cigars crafted with a unique idea by Oliva Cigar Co. They wanted to create a cigar that is capable of delivering the sweet spot from the initial stage. In order to make that possible they crafted these big ring gauge cigars after quite a few trial and errors. The core of these cigars is packed with Nicaraguan filler and binder tobaccos. They are enwrapped in a dark hued African Cameroon wrapper. It is medium to full in body strength and flavorful in every puff. They offer a satisfying smoke with savory notes of cedar, pepper and spices which can match to the performance of a large cigar. These NUB Cameroon 464T Cigars are rolled in the size of 4 x 64. They are packed in wooden boxes in sets of 24. To buy these flavor-packed small cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.