NUB Cigars
Nub Cameroon 358 Cigars are premium handmade cigars that offer the smokers a unique smoking experience. These Nub cigars are created with a novel idea and that is to capture the essence of the cigar at the very beginning. To achieve this lot of sizes were tried and finally they came with a small but broad format. These cigars are packed with robust Nicaraguan tobaccos as the filler and binder. A deep brown African Cameroon wrapper is utilized on top of them. They create a medium to full bodied premium smoke with rich flavors which can be felt from the first puff. Cedary, peppery and spicy flavors dominate the palate. These Nub Cameroon 358 Cigars are rolled in the size of 3 3/4 x 58. They are packed in wooden boxes in sets of 24. To buy these flavor-packed small cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.