Nestor Miranda Cigars
Experience the Nestor Miranda 80th Anniversary Ruky, a full-bodied handmade cigar crafted to delight cigar aficionados. With Nicaraguan wrapper, binder, and filler, this limited edition by My Father Cigar S.A. is available while supplies last. Indulge in single cigars of this exquisite blend today.
This cigar has a smooth, creamy flavor with notes of cedar, coffee, and chocolate. The finish is long and satisfying, with a slight peppery kick. The 80th Anniversary Ruky is a great cigar to enjoy on a special occasion or to simply relax with.
If you are looking for a full-bodied, flavorful cigar, then the Nestor Miranda 80th Anniversary Ruky is a great option. This cigar is sure to please any cigar enthusiast.
Order your single cigar online today and experience the Nestor Miranda 80th Anniversary Ruky for yourself.