Neya F-8 Line Gringo Cigars are authentic Cuban style cigars that deliver fuller bodied experience sans too much spiciness. Blended by Roberto P. Duran and his expert team these cigars continue his Cuban legacy which dates back to 1920s in Cuba. The core of these cigars features Nicaraguan long fillers and binder along with well-fermented ligero leaves to pack a punch. They are snugly hugged by a dark brown Ecuadorian Habano wrapper. This concoction delivers a full bodied smoke marked by balanced, progressive flavors of earth, cedar, leather and nuts. These Neya F-8 Line Gringo Cigars have a size of 5 x 58 in their Robusto shaped body. Wooden cabinets of 20 with the name embossed on them are available for purchase. To buy these Cuban styled cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.
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