New World By AJ Fernandez Virrey Cigars are box-pressed premium cigars that have been crafted in Nicaragua. They are jointly blended by AJ Fernandez and his father. It is quite a unique cigar as it boasts of a smooth creamy profile in spite of being a Nicaraguan puro with a perfect burn and price. They are packed with Ometepe, Condega and EstelÌ_ grown fillers from Nicaragua. They are secured by a Jalapa binder from Nicaragua and enwrapped in a dark colored Nicaraguan wrapper leaf. They have full bodied strength with sweet peppery flavors. These New World by AJ Fernandez Gordo are crafted in the size of 6 x 58 which is a Gordo. They are presented in beautiful boxes in set of 21. To buy these all-Nicaraguan cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.
To make it clear, AJ Fernandez has launched the New World line of cigars, and it currently offers four main types of cigars that have become popular among cigar enthusiasts: Connecticut, Cameroon, Puro Especial, and Dorado. The Oscuro was the first release of the New World brand.
The AJ Fernandez New World Oscuro is a popular traditional cigar due to its straightforward and natural taste, easy draw and great taste. Similar to other comparable cigars, it offers authentic flavors of coffee, black pepper, and earth with a noticeable increase in intensity that does not overpower the senses. It is also affordable and has a smooth flow.
Let me provide you with additional information about this great cigar that is the New World cigar blend by AJ Fernandez. The blend consists of Nicaraguan wrappers that are dark and deep, as well as long-filler tobaccos from three distinct regions in Nicaragua. The flavors are medium to full-bodied, with notes of earthiness, spicy espresso, and sweet dark chocolate hints.
A.J. Fernandez and his father Ismael created the New World by AJ Fernandez Gordo cigar, named after Christopher Columbus' 1492 expedition that lead to the discovery of "to Them" New World. It has a Nicaraguan wrapper and uses Nicaraguan long-fillers from Ometepe, Condega, and Esteli, with binding leaves from Jalapa. This medium-full-bodied cigar has a pleasing aroma of sweetness, spice, great flavor and taste. It was named "Cigar of the Year" by Cigar Journal and has been medium-full-bodied and very successful.
Are you ready to purchase and enjoy this Jewel-Osco great smoke? This is a customer-favorite shape. We strongly recommend that you grab a box and try it for yourself!