Smokers rejoice! Presenting an exciting and sought-after cigar, the My Father La Opulencia Corona Box Pressed Cigars. These cigars have an amazing complexity that is sure to bring delight to your smoking experience. A perfectly balanced smoke, these cigars have a deep Mexican wrapper that aromatically blends with Nicaraguan binder and Cuban-seed long-filler leaves. Enjoy notes of cedar, earth, sweetness and spice as you embark on this indulgent journey full of smooth flavourful goodness.
My Father La Opulencia Corona Box Pressed Cigars will make your taste buds sing! If you’re looking for something new to explore in the world of smoking, then look no further than this exquisite box pressed variety with its bold flavours and rich aromas. Even seasoned smokers will be pleased by the strength and flavor. So why not grab a box or two today? You won't regret it!