MUWAT Cigars
My Uzi Weighs A Ton 7X60 Cigars are heady cigars that offer a flavorful satisfying smoke in its big broad frame. They are created as a joint venture of Drew Estate and Joya de Nicaragua. A bunch of Nicaraguan and Brazilian long fillers surrounded by Connecticut binder make the base of these cigars. These tobaccos are enfolded in a dark, oily San Andreas maduro wrapper. They burn smoothly displaying a medium to full body profile. Rich notes of cocoa, earth, leather, pepper and sweetness make their way into the mouth as the smoke goes on unwaveringly. Overall, it is an enjoyable satisfying smoke. These My Uzi Weighs A Ton 7 X 60 Cigars are available in the bundles of 10. To buy these enjoyable maduro cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.