Dunbarton Tobacco Cigars
Experience a spell-binding sensation with Muestra de Saka’s The Bewitched Single Cigar! Flavors and complexity like no other, this handmade cigar from Nicaragua from Joya de Nicaragua packs in top shelf tobacco from their factory. It features an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, Mexican Cultivo Tonto San Andrés Negro binder, and filler tobacco from Nicaragua and the USA. This Toro Extra Cigar is 6 5/8" long with a 48 ring gauge that carries medium to full flavor. Now is your chance to experience the joy of really feeling bewitched at home! Cuenca Cigars offers free shipping on orders over $99 plus so what’s keeping you from continuing your journey with such a special smoke? Keep the bewitchment going and pick up one of these unique cigars for sale today!