This is by far one of the best cigars for beginners, Montecristo White Toro Grande Tube Cigars are fine premium cigar handcrafted in Dominican Republic. These cigars comprise a blend of chosen Dominican and Nicaraguan filler leaves. They are secured by a spicy Nicaraguan binder. On the outside they are cloaked by a stunning Ecuadorian Connecticut shade grown wrapper. The smoke is medium in body strength yet complex and flavorful. They release savory notes of earth, wood, spices and sweetness on the way. Backed by a solid construction they burn smoothly with easy draw. These Montecristo White Toro Grande Tube Cigars are crafted in the size of 6 x 54. They come in boxes of 15 with each cigar filled in tubes. To buy these smooth yet flavorful smoke place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.