Montecristo White Robusto Grande Cigars are handcrafted fine cigars that are loved by the aficionados widely. Produced by the top selling cigar brand in the world these cigars boat a flawless construction. They pack in them a blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan long fillers. They are secured by a spicy Nicaraguan binder. All these rich tobaccos are enclosed in a gorgeous Ecuadorian Connecticut shade grown wrapper. They produce a medium bodied flavorful smoke that is both savory and satisfying. They burn beautifully with minimum effort on the part of the smokers. They bear notes of earth, spices, wood and sweetness. These Montecristo White Robusto Grande Cigars are crafted in the size of 5 x 52. They come in boxes of 27. To buy these smooth yet flavorful cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.