Montecristo Platinum Toro Cigars are meticulously crafted premium cigars that reflect the magnificence of world's favorite cigar brand. They are a combination of distinct tobaccos blended together in right proportion. They have a rich mix of Dominican, Nicaraguan and Peruvian long fillers filled in their core. They are secured by a Dominican binder. A Mexican San Andreas wrapper covers them beautifully. The smoke is medium in strength and complex in character. In spite of that they remain smooth and creamy throughout. The burn is unwavering from start to end. Notes of earth and spices dominate the palate. These Montecristo Platinum Toro Cigars are rolled in the size of 6 x 50. They come in boxes of 27. To buy lowest prices on these rich flavorful cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.