Flavorful Smoke, Montecristo Platinum #3 Cigars are finely handcrafted premium cigars that can satisfy the cravings for a relaxing yet flavorful smoke. The cigar is blended using a mix of various distinct tobaccos that create an interesting profile. For the base a mix of Dominican, Brazilian and Peruvian fillers bound by a Dominican binder is chosen. They are enclosed by a Mexican San Andreas wrapper. The body strength of these cigars is medium. The smoke is complex, flavorful and rich. Earthy and spicy notes remain constant throughout the burn. Backed by a solid construction they burn smoothly with minimum effort. These Montecristo Platinum #3 Cigars are crafted carefully in the size of 5 1/2 x 44 which is a Corona in shape. Find the lowest price in Montecristo Cigars, boxes of 27. To buy these handcrafted flavorful cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.