Montecristo Epic Robusto Cigars are rich, bold cigars that take the palate on a joy ride. Crafted with utmost care and precision these cigars are magnificent to say the least. The core of these cigars is packed with vintage Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers. These tobaccos date back to 2007 and have been aged patiently. A spicy Nicaraguan binder holds them in place. On the top a sultry Ecuadorian Habano wrapper adorns them. The outcome is a medium-full complex cigar with a top-notch construction. They burn smoothly releasing thick smoke laden with savory flavors of coffee, chocolate, caramel and fruits. These Montecristo Epic Robusto Cigars are made in the size of 5 x 52. They come in stylish wooden cases in set of 10. To buy these robustly powerful cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.