Regius Cigars
The Montecristo Double Corona is one of the world's most iconic and sought-after cigars. A Dominican-made cigar is renowned for its balanced flavor profile, giving smokers a complex and delightful experience. The blend of tobaccos used to craft the Montecristo Double Corona includes a flavorful mixture of Dominican fillers and binder and a silky smooth Connecticut Shade wrapper. This combination creates an aroma that mixes earthy tones with sweet notes of cedar and spice. When lighting up a Montecristo Double Corona, you can expect to discover flavors ranging from creamy coffee to zesty pepper. During the smoke, you'll be able to savor nuances of nutmeg, almonds, clove, cedar, leather, and woodsy notes. Altogether this blend gives off a robust yet smooth flavor that will linger on your palate long after you have finished smoking it. The Montecristo Double Corona has been enjoyed by smokers around the globe since 1935, when it was first introduced in Cuba under its current name. It is widely acknowledged as one of the finest cigars in production and continues to be highly sought after today. Its popularity among famous cigar smokers has only added to its mystique over time, making it one of the most recognizable names in luxury tobacco products.