Montecristo: the brand that blazed a trail and inspired hundreds of imitators. From Toro to Torpedos, these blends set the bar for high-end cigars with their bold flavor profiles and enviable reputation. Experience what made this name an icon in cigar culture today!
For a luxury experience like no other, try the Montecristo Core 8 Assortment. Start with the Classic; its mellow and smooth flavor will truly tantalize your taste buds. Then indulge in the creamy texture of White, before progressing to Platinum's richer blend. Finally, tickle your tongue with Nicaragua's snappy spice! Treat yourself today by ordering from Cuenca Cigars - it won't break the bank!
If you're looking for a delectable treat, why not choose a Montecristo Cigar? With two Platinum Toros, two White Toros, two Classic Toros, and two Nicaragua Toros in your selection box you can be sure to find something that will tantalize the taste buds.
Handmade: | Y |
Country of Origin: | Variuos |
Shape: | Toro |
Size: | Various |
Strength: | Various |
Wrapper: | Various |
Binder: | Various |
Filler: | Various |
Box Cigar Count: | 8 |
Is Box-Pressed: | N |
Is Long-Filler: | Y |
Is Discountinued: | N |
Tube: | N |
Is Limited: | Y |
Is Flavored: | N |
Manufacturer: | Antadis USA |
Released: | 2023 |