Montecristo Classic Robusto Cigars are beautifully crafted solid cigars that can please every smoker. They are often considered as the finest creation of Montecristo, a brand that is preferred worldwide. They encompass a concoction of Dominican fillers and binder at the core. On the top they sport a lush Connecticut shade wrapper. They smoothly burn throughout the smoke which is a result of their solid construction. Mild to medium in body strength they are a delight to smoke. Thick billowy smoke that comes out from it bears flavorful notes of earth and wood and finally leaves a spicy taste on the palate. These Montecristo Classic Robusto Cigars are handmade in the size of 5 X 52. They are available in simple wooden boxes in set of 20. To buy these smooth, aromatic cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.