Monte By Montecristo Toro Cigars are wonderful cigars that can please even the most discerning smokers. Filled with Dominican long fillers at the core these cigars feature double binder in their blend. These binders are Dominican Olor and Nicaraguan Corojo which add more strength and spiciness to the smoke. They are encased in an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper. This mixture offers a medium body smoke laden with complex flavors that touch the palate in a smooth, balanced manner. Magnificently handcrafted these cigars are top notch in construction and a favorite of both the critics and smoke lovers. These Monte By Montecristo Toro Cigars are made in the size of 6 x 52. They come in dark boxes in packs of 16. To buy these well-crafted cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.