Monte By Montecristo Conde Cigars are distinguished premium cigars that have impressed the smokers and critics immensely. Coming from a legendary brand like Montecristo, this cigar proves to be excellent in all departments. The blend offers a twist as it features dual binder instead of one and this trait proves to be very significant. Overall, the blend consists of aged Dominican long fillers bound by Dominican and Nicaraguan binders. An Ecuador Habano wrapper encases them. The result is a full bodied flavorful smoke that keeps the palate on its toes. These Monte By Montecristo Conde Cigars are meticulously crafted in the size of 5 1/2 x 48 which is a Robusto in shape. They come in dark boxes in set of 16. To buy these exquisite premium cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.