Dunbarton Tobacco Cigars
Welcome to the world of Mi Querida Triqui Traca No. 648 Cigars! This boutique cigar has been produced with only the finest-quality tobaccos, making it a luxurious smoking experience for the modern smoker. Our Churchill shape cigars are made in Nicaragua by American Cigars S.A., and have a USA Connecticut River Valley Broadleaf wrapper that gives you an incredibly flavorful experience. Inside this cigar there is a Nicaraguan premium tobacco binder and filler that make for an unforgettable blend of complexity and smoothness.
The masterblender of this top-notch cigar is Steve Saka, who strives to provide smokers with something unique and enjoyable every time they light up. The perfect draw that comes from the well-constructed composition makes Mi Querida Triqui Traca No. 648 one of the best cigars around! With its size of 6 x 48, you can be sure you’ll get plenty of smoking time to relax and savor each puff till the very end!
You can purchase these amazing cigars at Cuenca Cigars with free shipping on orders over $99! So don’t hesitate – get your hands on this wonderful Boutique Cigar now while supplies last!