Dunbarton Tobacco Cigars
Are you ready to experience the ultimate in cigar pleasure? Mi Querida Triqui Traca No 552 Cigars by Nicaragua American Cigars S.A. are here to deliver! Handcrafted with only the finest, premium Nicaraguan tobaccos and then masterfully blended by Steve Saka himself, these robusto Gordo cigars are wrapped in a Connecticut River Valley Broadleaf wrapper; providing an impeccable, full-bodied flavor.
Smokers everywhere agree, there’s nothing quite like this smoke. Each draw is bold with complexity and depth that most other cigars just can't offer. For those truly looking for an enjoyable and unforgettable experience, look no further than this incredible blend of tobaccos! Plus with Enjoy FREE shipping on orders over $99 at Cuenca Cigars, why not give them a try to find out for yourself what everyone is raving about? Here at Cuenca Cigars we believe in offering Cuban-style cigars without all the hassle. So go on, don’t hesitate any longer - grab your box of Mi Querida Triqui Traca No 552 Cigars today!