Maya Selva Cigars
Maya Selva Flor de Selva Siesta Cigars are beautiful cigars that are produced in Honduras using the finest tobaccos. They are very popular in Europe and even been named as the Best Value cigars by the Hondurans. The US smokers are introduced recently to these great smokes and definitely impressed by them. A mix of Jamastran D' Azacualpa long fillers bound by a Seco Habano Copan binder fills the core of them. An Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper grown in Talanga adorns them from the outside. Solidly built these cigars offer a satisfying full bodied smoke. These Maya Selva Flor de Selva Siesta Cigars are made in the size of 4 1/4 x 40 which is a Petite Corona in shape. They come in elegant boxes in set of 20. To buy these exotic, rich cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.