Maya Selva Flor de Selva Petite Cigares Cigars are known as the Best Value cigars in Honduras and that is definitely not without a reason. This cigar packs a blend of finest tobaccos that offer a full bodied enjoyable smoke. A mix of Jamastran D' Azacualpa long fillers bound by a Seco Habano Copan binder make the base of these cigars. On the top lies an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper grown in Talanga. This concoction offers a flavorful smoke that is refined and smooth on the palate. These Maya Selva Flor de Selva Petite Cigares Cigars are rolled in the Cigarillo shape in the size of 3 1/2 x 20. They are presented in set of 10 packs each having 10 cigars. To buy these exotic, rich cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.