Maya Selva Cumpay Volcan Maduro Cigars are handcrafted premium cigars produced in Honduras. Packing a rich Nicaraguan blend inside these cigars are medium to full in body strength. Expertly crafted by the skilled workers, these cigars display an even, unwavering burn during the whole smoke. As they burn savory notes of earth, cedar, sweetness and spices fills the mouth and finally give way to a clean finish. The fillers of these cigars come from Ometepe, Esteli and Jalapa. The binder is also Nicaraguan and the wrapper is a medium brown Nicaraguan Habano. These Maya Selva Cumpay Volcan Maduro Cigars are crafted in the size of 5 x 60. They come in dark polished boxes in set of 20. To buy these rich, spicy cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.