Maya Selva Cumpay No 15 Cigars are handsome premium cigars crafted in Honduras. They pack an all Nicaraguan blend as its filler, binder and wrapper. In the core they feature a mix of Ometepe, Esteli and Jalapa grown filler tobaccos. They are bound by a Nicaraguan binder and encased in a medium brown Nicaraguan Habano wrapper grown in Jalapa. Medium to full these cigars are flavorful to smoke. Well-balanced notes of earth, cedar, sweetness and spices touch the palate during the slow, even burn. Expert rollers roll these cigars meticulously into a solid cigar. These Maya Selva Cumpay No 15 Cigars are handmade in the size of 5 1/2 x 54. They come in dark polished boxes in set of 20. To buy these rich, spicy cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.