Macanudo Cigars
Macanudo Robust Hampton Court Aluminium Tube Cigars are distinguished cigars in the portfolio of this bestselling cigar house. Unlike a typical Macanudo these cigars are richer in profile and medium in strength. They encompass a blend of Dominican, Honduran and Nicaraguan filler tobaccos. These fillers are bound by a Connecticut Broadleaf binder. Then they are rolled in a deep dark Connecticut wrapper specially grown in the River Valley. Significant amount of aging and maturation process adds extra flavors the smoke which is otherwise smooth on the palate. Pleasant aromas accompany this flavorful smoke which further heightens the pleasure. These Macanudo Robust Hampton Court Aluminium Tube Cigars are 5 1/2 x 42 in sizes with a Corona shaped body. Each of the cigars is presented in an aluminium tube which is available in wooden boxes in set of 25. To buy these richer Macanudos place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.