Macanudo Cigars
Macanudo Maduro Diplomat Cigars are unique maduro cigars that are quite different from other maduro. The blend of these cigars features a mix of Dominican Piloto Cubano and Mexican fillers. They are properly bound by a Mexican San Andreas binder. A dark Connecticut Broadleaf maduro wrapper with silky smooth texture enwraps the whole blend. The strength of these cigars is mild to medium. The smoke is comparatively rich than other Macanudos and bear notes of spices, earth and wood mixed with the natural sweetness. Smooth and consistent these cigars are a great choice for any relaxed moments. Both the novices and seasoned smokers fall for this cigar. These Macanudo Maduro Diplomat Cigars are meticulously built in the size of 4 1/2 x 38/60. These uniquely shaped cigars are available in set of 25 packed in wooden boxes. To buy these mellow maduro cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.