Macanudo Maduro
Macanudo Maduro cigars, a product of General Cigar, was first introduced as an exclusive line in the year 1999.The Macanudo maduro is made using handcrafted rich, velvety Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper cloaked over Mexican binder and a mixture of Dominican and Mexican tobacco filler. It offers a medium bodied yet incredibly refined smoke with mild flavours of nuts, fruits and cream. The Cigar Aficionado lauded the Macanudo Maduro line, awarding its `Diplomat’ a 90 point rating. The Macanudo Maduro is available in an array of sizes, namely, Prince Philip 7.5 x 49, Baron De Rothschild 6.5 x 42, Gigante 6 x 60, Crystal 5.5 x 49, Hampton Court 5.5 x 42, Diplomat 4.5 x 60 and Ascots 4.1875 x 32. To buy these much acclaimed Macanudo Maduro cigars at the best online prices place an order now at Cuenca Cigars.