Macanudo Cigars
Macanudo Maduro Ascots Cigars are small sized premium cigars crafted in Dominican Republic. The core of these cigars is filled with select Dominican and Mexican filler tobaccos. A Mexican San Andreas binder keeps them in place while a silky Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper enwraps them tightly. Medium in body strength these cigars are extremely gentle on the palate. The signature Macanudo smooth creaminess prevails throughout the smoke. An enticing aroma fills the air as the cigar burns in consistent manner. Skillful workers fold these cigars expertly leaving no room for complaints. These Macanudo Maduro Ascots Cigars are made in the size of 4 3/16 x 32 which is a Cigarillo in shape. They come in pack of 10 tins each containing 10 cigars. To buy these light maduro cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.