Macanudo Cigars
Macanudo Inspirado Orange Robusto Cigars are recent addition to the list of premium cigars in the US market. These are originally from Europe where it enjoyed a dream run. The blend of these cigars consists of Dominican Pilato Cubano, Honduran and Nicaraguan long fillers bound by a Honduran binder. The top layer is made from an Ecuadorian Habano Viso wrapper. The smoke produced is medium in body strength and complex in profile. They burn releasing various flavors accompanied by a sweet undertone. These Macanudo Inspirado Orange Robusto Cigars are crafted in the size of 5 x 50. They are packed in 20 count orange colored boxes from which the name is inspired. To buy these worldwide famous cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.