Macanudo Cigars
Macanudo Gold Label Lord Nelson Cigars are gentle cigars that offer a premium smoke with each puff. Blended using a mix of Dominican and Mexican tobaccos these cigars are bound by a Mexican binder. They feature a distinct golden colored Connecticut wrapper leaf. This wrapper is harvested from the first and second priming of the plants grown under shade. Silky, smooth this wrapper lends this cigar its name. They are mild in body and creamy and smooth in character. The gentleness of the smoke remains constant throughout the whole smoke. Beautifully built they do not have any dull moments. These Macanudo Gold Label Lord Nelson Cigars are Churchill in format with a size of 7 x 49. They come in wooden boxes packed in set of 25. To buy these light cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.