Macanudo Cigars
Macanudo Miniatures Cigars are small compact cigars that are designed to be enjoyed anytime, anywhere. The core of these cigars is filled to the brim with a blend of Cuban seed Dominican and Mexican filler tobaccos. They are secured by a Mexican San Andreas binder. A silky Connecticut shade grown wrapper adorns them on the outside. The body profile of these cigars is mild and smooth. Creamy nuances with natural sweetness make the smoke enjoyable and the pleasant aroma takes it to another level. The experienced workers skillfully roll these cigars without any flaws. These Macanudo Miniatures Cigars are 3 3/4 x 24 in sizes and Cigarillo in format. They come in packs of 10 boxes each containing 8 cigars. To buy these anytime cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.