Macanudo Cigars
Macanudo Cafe Court Cigars are 90 rated premium cigars that have made a mark in the cigar world for their exquisite qualities. They are blended using a mix of Dominican Piloto Cubano and Mexican filler tobaccos. They are held in place by a Mexican San Andreas binder. Finally they are carefully rolled in a Connecticut shade grown wrapper. This mixture offers a mild bodied enjoyable smoke suitable for any time of the day. Crafted solidly they burn smoothly displaying their creamy character. These Macanudo Court Cigars are scrupulously handmade in the size of 4 3/16 x 36 which is a Cigarillo in format. They are made available in wide wooden boxes in set of 30. To buy these popular cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.