Macanudo Cigars
Macanudo Claybourne Cigars are fine premium cigars handmade in Dominican Republic. Macanudo is a leading cigar brand in U.S. and offers their smokers some of the finest smoke in the market. These particular cigars are crafted using a blend of Dominican Piloto Cubano and Mexican filler tobaccos at the core. They are bound by Mexican San Andreas binder and cloaked in a Connecticut shade wrapper. Mild and smooth in character, this gentle smoke is a delight for any time of the day. These Macanudo Claybourne Cigars are beautifully rolled in the size of 6 x 31 which is a Petite Lancero in shape. They come in wide boxes packed in set of 25. To buy these popular cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.